Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The Decolonial Atlas

The Decolonial Atlas is a growing collection of maps which help us to challenge our relationships with the land, people, and state. It’s based on the premise that cartography is not as objective as we’re made to believe. The orientation of a map, its projection, the presence of political borders, which features are included or excluded, and the language used to label a map are all subject to the map-maker’s bias – whether deliberate or not. 

Because decolonization is a process of unlearning and rediscovering, this volunteer-run project is especially committed to indigenous language revitalization through toponymy. Click on the link to explore! 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

El florecimiento de los Guayacanes

En Zapotillo, provincia de Loja, se encuentran las poblaciones de Mangahurco, Bolaspamba y Cazaderos, rodeadas por un extenso bosque cálido seco de guayacanes, el más grande de Ecuador. 

El Festival por el Florecimiento de los Guayacanes es un espectáculo natural único que tiene lugar en el mes de Enero y en el que participa toda la comunidad, que ha desarrollado un modelo de turismo sostenible para evitar su sobreexplotación en el comercio de maderables.